Discord Server

We have a LOD Discord server. It has restrictions for the pubic @everyone role.
We have both text and voice channels.
Create a Discord account if you don’t already have one.
Then use the invite link to enter.
You can now also use Discord to post messages about server issues.
ps: If you are already banned on the Steam forum and/or in the game, you will be insta-banned on this server. On sight.
Build Released

Wow. This was a LONG time coming; but space and air craft are finally here! The first major update of the year.
Thanks to all the testers who helped us nail all the last minute bugs in the DSS release.
Go play it!
The in-game docs have not been updated for this build.
The in-game quick help has everything you need to get started.
The above versions of the printed docs have also been updated.
We also created a new quick start FAQ entry.
Build Live On DSS

We are putting in the final touches to this MASSIVE update before making it a wide release. Some final touches (e.g. aircraft shield settings aren’t active in all aircraft, only the Aurora) still remain; along with some annoying bugs we want to fix (not all of them) for this release.
If you have access to DSS, then you can download the build right now!
NOTE: The game docs have NOT been updated; but will be for the final release. So you will need to read the changelog for operation of the latest features.
DSS UPDATE 16-07-02
There was a minor update pushed to DSS last night and which fixes an issue with obtaining aircraft without cockpits.
Also, since DSS is not a public-wide release, we’re not going to be adding known issues to the known issues tracking page.
Instead, please continue to use the ticket system to report issues. Be sure to add the DSS and build number to the ticket subject. e.g. dss v00.09.06.07 – Aircraft Problems
Obtaining any aircraft without a 3D cockpit would cause UI issues- Issues with infantry UI being displayed in cockpit UI (mode2, mode3)
- Using a jumpgate and selecting the current scene as destination will cause a crash
- Only the Aurora shield FX are active. This is not a bug. The other aircraft with shield support were not exported in time for this DSS build.
The current plan is to fix these and any other minor issues in this DSS release, along with some of the ones in the current public build, and hopefully do an official release by Friday.
We will NOT be doing a free-play weekend at this time. The Starter Kit is still only $9.99 and gets you into the game, with access to all aspects of the game.