- About The Game
- Key Features
- Player Guide
Line Of Defense is a combined arms sci-fi multiplayer online game in which two (Galactic Command military and Insurgent paramilitary) teams wage a massive war for control of territory and resources.
Battles take place on a large game world with space and planetary regions. Players engage in combat as infantry with access to various assets such as air, land, sea, and space vehicles.
The game is designed and developed by the indie team at 3000AD, the leader in high-end advanced sci-fi based games.
The game’s hybrid tech supports both dedicated server and session based peer-to-peer (client hosts and plays) multiplayer in a persistent, non-sharded, non-instanced, game world via our Wide Span Global technology.
The business model and design support both F2P and B2P with optional micro-transactions and DLC via a base Starter Kit and Tactical Advancement Kits.
The game has also spawned an RTS companion game, Line Of Defense Tactics, which is currently out on various platforms, including Xbox One.
There are also a series of comic books created in co-operation with DC Comics.
Lyrius, located in the Sirius star system, was once used for bio and weapons based research. The planet was tech rich, and also home to one of Galactic Command’s (GALCOM) primary research installations.
The Sirius star system itself is home to two space sectors with a total of three planets and two moons. Connected via jump anomalies is the Barnard’s Star system, also home to three planets and two moons in two space sectors.
Of the ten planets and moons in both star systems, only the Lyrius planet has thus far been colonized and thus habitable.
As part of their colonization and research, GALCOM forces constructed a primary research colony on each of the four continents; along with a military starbase.
As the years went by and the planet’s resources were depleted, GALCOM’s focus shifted to other planets. It didn’t take long before the Insurgents, a Terran group that is in direct opposition to GALCOM forces, showed up. They took over the bases, then attacked and killed most of the GALCOM military personnel left on the planet.
Shortly after, they started to wage war on GALCOM forces in other parts of the star system using Lyrius as their base of operations.
That’s when GALCOM finally decided to commit military forces to the planet in a bid to destroy the Insurgent threat. The first part of this engagement played out in our other game, Line Of Defense Tactics.
Please refer to the game’s FAQ for more info.
- Massive and persistent open world gameplay in a large universe featuring space and planetary regions
- A 100% persistent world (no instancing) with connected space and planetary areas; all with ability to move from planetside starbases to stations in the space region above
- Breathtaking space and planetary environments with each planetary continent featuring unique topology, different climate zones, weather patterns, dynamic time of day etc
- Skill based first person PvP combat as infantry, in numerous land, air, sea, and space crafts
- Character class selection and progression through game play stats and options
- Vast array of weapons and inventory items, most with advanced customization and attributes
- Support for groups (fireteams) with either human or NPC troops and from a few people to very large troops of varying skills and equipment
- Support for both standard massively multiplayer servers, or standard client hosted private servers
- No pointless grind. No boring crafting. No inconsequential resource collection. Just pure war on a very – very – large scale
- Endless possibilities for future game world and feature expansion. e.g. base building, populated space and planetary regions etc
- See the game docs, FAQ and assets dB for more info.
Time Line
- 2328
- 2899
- 2907
- 2910
- 2915
- 2919
- 2925
- 2926
- 2928
- 2965
- 2967
- 2993
- 2998
- 3000
History Of Galactic Command (GALCOM)
As the Earth survived each threat to its existence through the passing decades, the need for an alternate home world became more and more apparent. The good old home world has survived global conflicts, catastrophic diseases, comets, asteroids, meteorites, and more, but each challenge has prompted technological advances in order to maintain the integrity of the planet and its inhabitants.
Terrans have always been fascinated by space exploration. Due to their life expectancy such space exploration was limited to the planet’s orbit and, later, the moon. Early travel beyond the moon was only possible by robotic sensor probes and data gathering unmanned spacecraft. Throughout the years, scientists could only observe as planets and moons in the Solar system were bombarded by comets and asteroids. It became obvious that it was only a matter of time before our planet was hit by one of these space objects. Terran databases contained catalogues of every object in the planet’s orbit and indeed all comets, asteroids, and meteoroids in the Solar system.
By 1990, a group of asteroids whose orbits cross that of Earth were catalogued and named the Apollo objects. One of these, Eros, was approximately 16km long, which is about the size of old New York City. At that time, the chances of one of these objects hitting Earth was considered remote. In mid-1994, fragments of a large comet bombarded Jupiter. The effects of this assault were observed by many on Earth and posed some serious questions about the fate of our planet. It is theorized that some of the first living things on Earth were made extinct by a stellar object hitting the planet.
Through the decades, the threat became more and more apparent as several other planets and moons were bombarded by objects which seemed to originate from far beyond the reach of capable sensors. Meanwhile, exploration efforts were concentrated on the search for other life forms within our galaxy. Small meteorites that fell on Earth were found to contain Amino acids that support the existence of living organisms. Speculation about the existence of extra-terrestrial life continued to grow. Fuelled by conflicting accounts of alien abduction and the sighting of extra-terrestrial spacecraft, mankind continued to search for the existence of other life forms within the Milky Way. Advancements in the fields of neural networks, artificial intelligence, robotics, and light wave transmission allowed mankind to push his knowledge further into the outer regions of the galaxy. However, we still could not overcome the space-time continuum and the subsequent aging process, which prevented manned space flight beyond our own star system.
Of the nine planets in the Solar system, only Mars was remotely capable of supporting human life. Scientific colonies and research stations were set up on Mars to study its atmosphere, which was found to be 95% Carbon Dioxide gas and one hundred times thinner that of Earth. It could not readily support human life. As the years went by, special air and water filtration facilities were constructed on the surface of the planet. These provided the proper balance of nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen in the to support human life. Gradually, research stations were constructed which then evolved into small colonies consisting of scientific and defense engineers and their families.
Back on Earth, spacecraft designed to make the Martian journey were constructed. These used improved fuel management and booster rockets to escape the Earth’s gravitational pull and solar power to facilitate the journey to Mars. These early journeys were limited to military and research personnel and were usually one-way trips. On stardate 03.18.2328, the first non-military colony was established on Mars. This facility was open to the commercial traffic of large conglomerates. Aided with technology from research studies, these interests were able to make the planet more habitable by building cities above and below the surface. This led to plans for colonization on a much larger scale. At the end of 2334, after numerous failed attempts and disasters, the new colony was open and fully functional. Additional research stations were later built.
Unfortunately the closest we had come to manned interstellar spacecraft were sophisticated neural androids. These androids had an advanced program that allowed them to gather and analyze data from their travels and send this data back to stations on Earth and Mars. Their life span and mean failure average was twenty five years. In the event that they did encounter other intelligent life within or beyond our galaxy, their memory banks contained data regarding the human race, the location of our home world, etc. By the turn of the century no alien contact had been made. This was due in large part to the vast expanse of the Milky Way galaxy, the limited range of the spacecraft, and the need for faster ships.
At this time, the United Free Nations (UFN) began work on orbital space stations around Mars and Earth. These were designed to facilitate continued space exploration and research. Though it was assumed that military units would be assigned to these installations, it was still not clear how much presence Earth Command (EARTHCOM), the military arm of the UFN, would have on each station.
Both stations were completed within six years.
The star station Starpath, in orbit around Mars, could support up to six thousand personnel and ten spacecraft. Within a year, it was outfitted with defense systems including advanced search-and-detect radar, phased matter shields, and Roton laser arrays. The second star station, Genesis, was designed primarily as a military installation from the onset. It had better defensive and offensive systems and was used to pinpoint the location of Earth Command opposition on the planet’s surface. This station was three times the size of Starpath and capable of supporting up to twenty five thousand personnel. It was also the site of the first space-borne shipyard.
Every planet has had its problems and Earth is no different. There were the usual dissidents who were opposed to resources being allocated to develop defense technology as well as those who were convinced that the government was holding back information regarding the discovery of extra-terrestrial life and technology. It was also rumored that the government was using its citizens for biological experiments in deep space travel.
The most powerful opposition to the UFN and EARTHCOM were known as the Insurgents. The ultimate goal of the Insurgents was to cripple the operations of EARTHCOM and force the UFN to disband the organization. Most government organizations were infiltrated by the Insurgents. The computer industry had blossomed out of control and imagination was often all it took to come up with something innovative, brilliant…, and dangerous. As the number of Insurgents increased and their organization became more powerful, some high-ranking Insurgent officials were bold enough to defect to secret bases scattered across the globe.
Several skirmishes erupted between EARTHCOM and the Insurgents, which resulted in loss of life. There were rumors of brutality, manipulation, kidnapping, and blackmail by EARTHCOM operatives on Earth and on the evolving Martian and Lunar colonies. The official statement by the government was that the Insurgents were a ruthless group who had no real purpose other than to bring down the UFN for political gain. Nevertheless, support for the Insurgents grew.
In 2899, an unmanned deep space probe in Alpha Centauri sent back sensor data, which supported scientific theory that there was life in other parts of the galaxy. Even with advanced technology of the time this sensor data took almost five years to be relayed back to Starpath. Later that same year, a spacecraft manned by an android known as Arianne was vectored to the source of the probe transmission. The journey would take Arianne five years. It would be an additional five to six years before new data was received from the android.
As technology advanced, new discoveries were made in areas of engine and reactor design. The research division of EARTHCOM also made significant progress in defense technology by designing new shields, lasers, and missile systems. Most of the Apollo objects were used as targets for testing these powerful weapons.
In 2907, the first fully functional Mass Drive Reactor was developed. This reactor used a mineral called Radine as fuel for anti-matter conversion. The reactor was also capable of using energy absorbed from a solar source. Stronger materials for building the external hull of ships were also developed. Technological research had reached a new level.
On approach to Alpha Centauri in 2910, Arianne began transmitting research data back to Starpath. At the same time, space exploration became a flourishing industry. There were now regular commercial trips between Earth, Mars, and the Moon. Several new colonies sprouted up on these worlds. The Insurgents subsequently infiltrated these colonies and continued their crusade against EARTHCOM.
Limited progress was also made in bio-stasis technology using animal experiments. Still, the longest time a primate had survived in stasis was three years. Experiments using constructive DNA signatures were far more successful. A living organism could now be replicated by using a stored DNA signature. This was adequate for the purpose of cloning biological entities, but useless for extending the life span of the original subject.
In 2915, a nineteen-year-old student at the University of Biological Research on Earth discovered a method by which a biological entity could be put in stasis indefinitely and restored with the aid of an implanted computer chip. All that was needed was a way to implant the chip without it being rejected by the host body as a foreign entity. The student and all his research equipment were relocated to Mars by EARTHCOM to continue work on this discovery.
In 2919 the Biological and Stasis Regeneration project was concluded with tremendous success. The technology, under the supervision of the EARTHCOM research and development section, was given a Level 10 classification, the highest of any experiment conducted involving non-military personnel. Citing its instability and the need for more extensive tests, EARTHCOM refused to release any further information about the experiment. In short, it was put under lock and key.
The first advanced exploration spacecraft, the Sphinx class GCV-Seeker, departed from Genesis on stardate 01.07.2926 with a crew of two hundred fifty personnel. This craft, though designed for deep space exploration, had the most advanced military defense systems to date and a complement of seventy-five EARTHCOM Marines on-board. The ship’s fifteen-year mission was to rendezvous with Arianne and seek out life forms within the Alpha Centauri system. It was designed to travel at up to three times the speed of light.
Due to a computer glitch the stasis regeneration computer failed to awaken the crew at the programmed time and they missed their rendezvous with Arianne by seventeen days. Arianne had since continued on to the Sirius star system.
In 2928, four alien spacecraft in the vicinity of an unknown planet intercepted GCV-Seeker. The details of the encounter and the return to Earth of the GCV-Seeker and its hosts are still classified.
The Empirians who made first contact with the Terrans were a race of researchers and explorers willing to share their advanced technology with the Terrans. Several reports indicate that this mild-mannered race had previously visited Earth on several occasions. They had made contact with Terrans but due to the instability of the planet’s affairs had decided to simply catalogue their discoveries rather than open full diplomatic relations. The arrival of GCV-Seeker at Alpha Centauri was a surprise to the Empirians and though still apprehensive about dealing with Terrans, they decided to renew contact. By the end of 2963 the Terrans had made contact with almost all intelligent life forms in the Milky Way galaxy.
Meanwhile, the Insurgents’ conflicts with EARTHCOM and the UFN persisted. The alliances formed with alien nations, the allocation of Earth resources for the maintenance of the resident aliens, and the expenses associated with the space exploration program were all factors that perpetuated the rift. The Earth was still threatened by a depleting ozone layer and yet the UFN had failed to address the problem, instead choosing to continue allocation of resources to space research and the subsidizing of alien nations.
In an effort to save face, the UFN officially declared the Insurgents an outlaw organization in 2965. All the organization’s assets were seized and most members put in confinement at EARTHCOM prison facilities on Earth, Mars, and special colonies on the Moon.
Collaborative studies were conducted with alien nations in technology, religion, and trade. Using Droidan and the Syrion technology, starships were fitted with special Atrian-Alloy hulls capable of using wormholes and flux fields for traversing space. Since unstable flux fields were sometimes dangerous to ships, special structures were built around all the known stable ones. With the help of the Credians and the Syrions, the first accurate galactic navigation’s map charted all these intra and interstellar links.
As a result of these advances in technology, intrastellar travel became less tedious and time consuming. Significant advances were also made in cloning, bio-stasis, and propulsion systems.
Intragalactic politics was another area where rapid advances were required. Alien nations had their own unique policies, traditions, and complex systems of government for the Terrans to contend with. Without a thorough knowledge of these issues, it was easy to accidentally offend an alien counterpart, which could lead to serious consequences. Alien nations had their own internal problems as well and outside interference was rarely welcome. The balance of power within alien sectors was often threatened by territorial wars.
With progress came new problems. There were pirates and smugglers from all nations. Diplomatic relations became strained for many reasons and were difficult to repair. Meanwhile, splinter groups of the outlawed Insurgents were waging a private war with EARTHCOM forces on every front. It was reported that these splinter groups had formed alliances with rebels from alien nations. Even pirates operated under the guise of the Insurgents. EARTHCOM ships were hijacked and bases were overrun.
EARTHCOM was challenged to maintain law and order in Terran-controlled systems. Impenetrable Insurgent bases and the frequent sorties by pirates and smugglers from all alien nations caused considerable problems for the UFN. Instabilities within alien controlled sectors and the constant threat of war prompted the UFN and the Empirian & Vesperon governments to start investigating co-operative methods of curbing these problems. After five years of diplomatic talks, it was decided that a powerful force of military and research personnel from all respective nations was the answer. Joint military missions would be undertaken. Technology and resources would be shared.
On stardate 05.11.2993, Galactic Command (GALCOM) was formed. Its founding members were the Terrans, Empirians, and the Vesperons. The Genesis star station in Earth orbit, already a 90% military installation, was converted to a fully functional tactical operations center, and eventually became known as GALCOM HQ (or GHQ). The organization’s primary objective was to maintain law and order within its member’s regions and to provide assistance to crafts venturing into unknown or hostile territory.
As space exploration progressed, other intelligent life forms were encountered. Some were hostile and others were friendly. As news of the formation of GALCOM spread, opposing factions argued that the stars belonged to no one race and that the division of known space into sovereign regions was unacceptable. Several small wars erupted. During these conflicts, GALCOM craft were sometimes denied access to facilities of nonmembers while on deep space incursions. Despite this, the UFN and the other governments continued to seek the support of non-member nations and attempted to outline the benefits of defined borders and a military force to maintain law and order in those territories. Most races that did not wish to join remained neutral and maintained a cordial trading relationship with GALCOM members. Strict protocols were established for GALCOM forces traveling through these nation’s territories or docking at their space facilities.
On stardate 11.06.2998, contact with the GALCOM research vessel GCV-Stargazer was lost. This ship had been on a routine patrol in the Gammulan quadrant. At first no one knew what had become of the vessel. Then the ship’s communications probe was retrieved by another GALCOM ship in the Credian quadrant. This log revealed that the ship had been attacked without warning by a then unknown alien race. The entire crew had perished.
GCV-Recovery and GCV-Starsearch, the most heavily armed and combat ready vessels in the Gammulan quadrant, were dispatched to the vicinity of the Stargazer’s last transmission. These two ships were never heard from again.
It is now 3000AD and the galaxy is bracing itself for war. GALCOM is building a large and powerful fleet commanded by a mixture of seasoned combat veterans from its member nations and promising young commanders fresh out of the academy. They are all well armed and confident, and determined to seek revenge for the loss of these three great vessels and the souls they carried.
Alien nations have several castes with unique attributes and goals. Castes can be either aggressive or harmless and their allegiance to one another can be either ally, enemy or neutral. Certain castes can also be found as crew members serving aboard craft of another caste. For example, a military caste craft might typically contain paramedics, system engineers, flight engineers and marines.The race of class can be TERRAN, SYRION, KANDORIAN, EMPIRIAN, VESPERON, DROIDAN, FALKERIE, MANDORIAN, GAMMULAN, ZELON, VALKERIE, or CREDIAN.
This type of caste is combat oriented and includes the player. This type will always attack raiders, insurgents and other hostile classes and are responsible for maintaining law and order within the region they’re in.
The thorn in the side of GALCOM commanders. These guys, like Police, are part of the auto-generate class and are created in regions close to where pirates and criminals are found. An Earthcom craft is also automatically created when the player becomes a rebel or the court-martial flag is set. Each time the player destroys one, another is created and dispatched to find him. Once they find him, he must agree to escort them to GALCOM HQ. Once the player accepts, COMMLINK is activated and his career ends if he is found guilty.
Every alien nation has it’s own police force operating within their regions. This caste attacks raiders and criminals only. Attacking this caste causes you to be attacked by them each time you enter a region controlled by police castes of the alien nation you attacked. In this manner, even if the Terrans are friends of the Empirians, attacking an Empirian police caste will result in your ship being attacked each time you enter the region. To relax the rules a little and address gameplay issues, as long as the player does not destroy the caste, on exit from the region, all will be forgotten and the incident treated as an accident. Police are part of the auto-generate class of castes and are created at random in most all space regions.
These guys are used for ground combat and security detail at facilities.
Generic caste which attacks other castes regardless of alliance, for gain. They are part of the autogenerate class and are created at random in various regions. Raiders will usually flee if Police or Earthcom castes are detected within the region. Raiders in a region will affect the existence of castes such as traders, commercial, explorers etc and can severely impact the growth of the region.
This caste is the thorn in GALCOM’s side and is found scattered across the galaxy. They are not raiders but will usually either engage in combat with GALCOM or EarthCOM military ships if detected. Insurgents usually plan precise attacks against Terran assets in space and on planets.
These guys are deadly and are usually created in areas where diplomats are found. Once these guys detect a diplomat caste, they will attempt to destroy it. They will also attack ships that contain special guest characters scripted to appear in ACM scenarios. They are part of the auto-generate class and are created five jumps from a recently created diplomat caste. They will then seek out and attempt to capture it. If a diplomat caste containing a special guest character is detected, it will be given the highest priority for attack.
The typical hired gun. They are part of the auto-generate code and will by default be allied to the nearest fleet which they are created near. Like assassins, they have advanced weapon systems and will attack diplomat and military castes.
Anytime you encounter this caste, you should attack them and take them to the nearest friendly station for a reward. Since they have often escaped from prisons, they may sometimes have access to advanced ships that they have stolen from their captors. They are part of the auto-generate class and are created at random in various regions. They will flee from EarthCOM, Police and GALCOM castes and usually attack defenseless castes for gain.
Due to the vast expanse of space, there are several uninhabited planets and moons. This caste is generated by alien nations at intervals to explore the defined region. It is usually accompanied by colonist and worker castes. All this class does is fly to the region, hang around for awhile, leave a probe and return home. If the planet or moon is uninhabited and not claimed by any other Alien Nation, they will leave the colonist and worker castes behind to cultivate the planet and find another place to colonize. The colonist and worker castes will then automatically start to build cities and structures on the planet on a priority scale. Including military castes in a class with explorers ensures that they can defend themselves in case of an attack.
This caste contains personnel and families for cultivating a planet and is usually found with exploration castes. When created, the population of the planet will increase and colonies, cities, etc, will start to sprout up all over the planet. This caste determines the population of the planet.
This caste is usually part of an exploration class and permits the rapid evolvement of an alien nation’s planet. These guys will depart from a world as soon as it has built at least two factories. Scientists being present in a region will boost that region’s development by increasing it’s CLASS level.
This caste often contains special characters scripted to appear in ACM Missions. They travel from station to station at random. Diplomats containing special characters will normally beam the special character to the player’s ship if the diplomat caste is under attack. It is then up to the player to make sure the guest arrives safely at his/her destination.
This caste is responsible for the advancement of the galaxy. They travel from region to region at random. Some trader castes containing special artifacts or information about their whereabouts can be created. Most trader castes will deploy mining drones on planet and moons. Once they dock at a starstation or starbase, it will then contain more trade items. They are part of the auto-generate class and are created at random in various regions. They then visit each station or base in the galaxy until they go out of scope. Traders increase the TECH level of a region they’re in.
This caste contains advanced medical equipment, which they use to assist other castes during combat. It is a violation to destroy this type of caste even by accident. No alien nation attacks this caste. Having this caste in a class makes the life factor of personnel within the class increase at a high rate and their fatigue factor drops rapidly. They are part of the auto-generate class.
Used for structural repairs and construction. This caste being present in an area or class will accelerate the rebuild time of objects.
This caste consists of commercial personnel and operates similarly to traders but in addition are also responsible for the development of new cities.
Your typical annoying caste. These guys are part of the auto-generate class and are generated at random in regions of conflict. They are never attacked, by any class but may be caught in the crossfire. If this caste is in an area where a violation occurs, any illegal action the player performs will result in a violation point being levied. Destroying them has the same penalties as paramedics.
This caste is part of the auto-generate class and travel from region to region at random. Anytime this caste reaches a planet, a random number of resource points are added to that planet.
These guys are a general nuisance. They have access to advanced computer technology, which they can use to disrupt the systems of craft within their vicinity, leading to systems malfunctioning or even taking damage, until such time as they are out of range or are destroyed. They are part of the autogenerate class and are created at random in various regions.
These are system engineers who are used for system repairs. They are usually found aboard ships of other castes.
These are flight engineers used for flight operations. They are usually found aboard ships of other castes.
The race of class can be:

– Sector D9
The Terrans have evolved into a slightly aggressive nation. They are interested in space travel and allocate huge amounts of resources to research and development of advanced technologies in the areas of space travel and defense systems.
The Terrans are waging an unsuccessful war with the Insurgents on Earth and in space. Several GALCOM fleets of Terran ships are on permanent station in Terran and Empirian territories.

– Sector C8
The Empirians have been waging a losing war with pirates and smugglers for decades. Due to their advanced research background, their territories have always been the targets of these undesirables. The Empirian Starforce HQ in orbit around Cronus is the most heavily defended base in the Terran quadrant. However, frequent skirmishes proved to be costly for the Empirian high command to the point of preventing the construction of additional star stations within their territories.
Then there are the Sla’ti. Long before the Empirian/Terran contact, they had plagued Starforce both in space and on their homeworlds. Their sole purpose is to profit from technological advances were made in the region. Their influence spans the galaxy and while they have some outside alliances, they are hated at home. It is rumored that the high counsel of the Empirian supreme command had ties to the Sla’ti which may be why all attempts to eradicate them have so far failed. The Sla’ti bases on the Empirian planets Nevuela and Varan are virtually impenetrable. Neither of these planets is considered to be of economic value to the Empirian high command, so after several lopsided skirmishes which resulted in heavy government losses the planets have been left to their own devices.
Shortly after GALCOM was formed, a Sla’ti vessel captured a Terran transport convoy. Some of the crew were said to have been taken to a labor camp on Varan. As a result, the Terran government consulted with the Empirians and soon after a GALCOM patrol and strike force was dispatched to the region. The fleet’s primary objective was to block the Sla’ti shipping routes, capture their ships and eventually lead a strike on their bases. What at first appeared to be a quick and simple mission turned out to be a war that would last for years.
Soon rumors surfaced that contended that the Sla’ti were not responsible for the original attack on the Terran convoy. Rather, it is insinuated that factions within the Empirian government had orchestrated the attack in order to draw GALCOM into deploying of troops in the region.
The Empirians also allocate huge amounts of resource to defense research.

– Sector B6
This slightly aggressive race are essentially explorers and traders operating from their home world on Canaan. Their system is isolated from the normal space lanes and they have been trying for years, with little success, to build a stable jump point linking Omicron Eridani and Procyon. This would provide an easier access to the Credian quadrant and the well traveled trade routes beyond. The jump point in Ramis has exits that end up near Barnard’s Star and Alpha Majora. With new technology, the Vesperons thought to build a special jump point that would allow them to direct one of these exit points into Procyon.
Unfortunately, once the technology hurdles were surmounted, another problem was discovered. Procyon, because it was isolated, had become a haven for pirates, smugglers and other undesirable galactic rejects. Vesperon fleets that took the long way around to wage war with the occupants of Procyon, were usually unsuccessful. They had to travel too far to refuel, repair and rearm. This led the Vesperons to try a policy of seeking alliances with other, more capable alien nations, in the hope of defeating the undesirable inhabitants of Procyon. They then could proceed with the development of a special device that would allow them access to Procyon directly from Ramis.
This strategy has been blocked by GALCOM’s rejection of the plan. They claim that no one would really gain from annexing Omicron except the Vesperons and site GALCOM directives that prohibit interference in internal conflicts that were beyond the alliance’s jurisdiction. As the system does not belong to the Vesperons, any hostile invasion would be in violation of GALCOM regulations.
The Vesperon government is also accusing the Empirians of condoning the actions of the Sla’ti. To make matters worse, Tau Ceti, the only short link to the Syrion quadrant is a constant source of bounty for pirates who routinely escape either to Alpha Centauri or to Alpha Majora. This prevents any non-military base from being built in the system. The Vesperons claim that Tau Ceti was also the responsibility of the Empirians who they feel should assist in the construction of a military station there. Citing economic constraints, the Empirians declined to participate in the construction of the station. The situation in Tau Ceti remains unchanged. The inhabitants of Procyon aren’t budging and the relations between the Vesperons and the Empirians remain strained.
The Vesperons remain committed to gaining control of Procyon and annexing Omicron Eridani to Procyon. They allocate a huge amount of resources to technological and defense research.
– Sector I7
The Credians are very advanced in exploration. It is rumored that they have traveled throughout the galaxy and perhaps beyond. They are currently involved in a war with the Zelons over an ancient artifact that was supposedly recovered by a Credian exploration team from the wreckage of a Zelon spacecraft in Tau Ranis. The Credians claim they don’t posses this item but the Zelons insist that they have proof they do. Hostilities broke out over eight months ago and though the Zelons are a small nation, they are putting up a brave fight.
The Credians allocate large amounts of resources toward exploration.
– Sector I5
This race is one of the most advanced in warfare. They are extremely aggressive but are rarely involved in prolonged conflicts. They are very close their sister race the Mandorians. They have recently joined forces with the Mandorians to drive Valkerie and Gammulan forces out of the Credian quadrant.
The Kandorians allocate a vast amount of resources toward weapons technology.
– Sector H5
Like their sister race the Kandorians, the Mandorians are warriors, but with a less aggressive nature. They have been engaged in a war with the Valkeries for more than ten years over Rinaal, a planet on the edge of the Credian and Gammulan quadrants. Though the Valkeries were the first settlers of Rinaal, limited resources and a catastrophe that destroyed half the planet, forced them to abandon it and migrated to Omega Centauri. The Kandorians were able to rebuild the planet and use it for training and research bases. It wasn’t long before small colonies began to be constructed. At present, the planet is fully populated. In the mean time, the Valkeries decided to return to Rinaal and though the Mandorians welcomed them to settle among their people, the Valkeries insisted upon reclaiming the planet as their own and adopting a Valkerie government. War broke out and continues to the present time.
The Mandorians divide their resources between weapons technology and galactic exploration.
– Sector G5
The Zelons are a mild race of religious traders who will buy or sell anything if it makes them a profit. They are notorious for securing the largest and most ambitious deals in the space lanes. They are currently at war with the Credians over an ancient artifact they claim was taken by the Credians from the crash site of one of their spacecraft. Due to its strategic location in the galaxy, the Zelon system Lanix V is a very important link to the rest of the galaxy.
The Zelons allocate most of their resources to trading and exploration.
– Sector G2
The Valkeries are a very aggressive and ruthless race. They do not welcome strangers in their regions and frown upon any neighbor who has access to a technology more advanced than their own. They are sworn enemies of their sister nation the Falkerie and have aided the Gammulans in the invasion of their homeworlds. They are currently at war with the Mandorians over Rinaal, a planet their ancestors abandoned many centuries before. They are close allies of the Gammulans.
The Valkeries allocate resources toward exploration and weapons technology.
– Sector G1
The Falkerie are a mild race of traders and explorers. Their homeworlds are densely populated by citizens of different nations as a result of their travels within the galaxy.
The Falkerie planets are very rich in Radine deposits making them very valuable. The Gammulans invaded the Falkerie homeworlds in order to seize control of these Radine mines.
The Falkerie fought long and hard for many years but were no match for the Gammulans. They are currently under Gammulan rule but a small group of resistance fighters are waging a silent war to liberate their homeworlds.
The Falkerie resources are allocated toward trading since weapons research is forbidden by their Gammulan rulers.
– Sector F2
The Gammulans are the most aggressive and perhaps the most advanced race in the galaxy. They are also the largest and richest nation. For many years the Gammulans preyed on weaker nations and advanced in areas of research and weapons by stealing these technologies. Trading within their territories continues to prosper even though (or perhaps because) they are haven for pirates and smugglers.
The Gammulans have fought three unsuccessful wars with the Syrions and Droidans in an attempt to annex the Alpha Canis star system. In order to acquire sufficient resources to finance another conflict with the Syrions and Droidans, the Gammulans invaded their weaker neighbors the Falkeries who had refused to join in the war against the Syrions and Droidans. They took over the Falkerie worlds thereby controlling over 90% of the Radine deposits in the quadrant. An alliance with the Valkeries assisted the Gammulans in infiltrating the Falkerie defense system in the early stages of the conflict. In order to return the favor, the Gammulans are supporting the Valkerie war effort against the Mandorians over another territorial matter. When GALCOM was formed, the Gammulans were refused membership because of their aggressive nature and general disregard for law and order. As a result, relations between the Gammulans and GALCOM member nations have remained strained for many years.
The Gammulans allocate most of their resources to weapons technology.
– Sector E4
The Syrions are highly advanced cyborgs and one of the most intelligent nations in the galaxy. No one quite knows where they came from and since only Syrions themselves are allowed anywhere near their highly restricted home base, speculation is high. They appear to be mild mannered at first but can become quite aggressive if intimidated. They rarely venture out of their quadrant and when they do, it is usually on research and development trips. They refuse to be referred to as cyborgs and think of themselves as organisms that have descended from a higher intelligence. When war broke out with the Gammulans, their casualty rates ran at only about 1%. This is because most of their ships were unmanned robots with very advanced systems.
It is not quite clear how the Syrions allocate their resources but due to their high level of intelligence and the items found at their bases, it can be assumed that they concentrate heavily on all forms of advanced technology.
– Sector B4
This race is closely related to the Syrions but it is not quite clear how. Where the Syrions are part machine and part living tissue, the Droidans are all machine. No Droidan has ever been encountered outside the Syrion quadrant. They have been known to join in against the Gammulans in defense of the Syrion quadrant. It is certain that the Gammulans, and pretty much every undesirable entity in the galaxy are interested in learning the secrets behind the Syrion and Droidan nations. Due to the high level of security within their territories, it is impossible to venture into any restricted section of the Syrion quadrant without being intercepted.
There are those who believe that the Syrions and Droidans are responsible for linking the galaxy with wormholes and flux fields the way it is now. These claims have not been acknowledged by either race.
Absolutely NOTHING is known about this elusive group of aliens now known as The Thirteenth Race. In fact, the Galaxian name of this race comes from ancient scriptures found amongst the relics of an ancient Droidan civilization. It is speculated that they are the originators of this galaxy and are responsible for bringing the very first species to it.
There is talk of a crashed probe located on a planet deep within a Supernova in the Vega Eridani system. Nothing else is known – and so far, all monitoring of this probe have revealed NO further clues as to the existence and/or whereabouts of this race.