LOD Tactics – Now On Xbox One

Line Of Defense Tactics, the RTS companion game to LOD, is now live on Xbox One store for sale! You can view the Xbox One launch trailer over here.
Build Released

Full changelog (including a list of known issues)
Also, checkout the latest State Of Play (15-10-27) dev update
Build Released To DSS

Full changelog (including a list of known issues)
Also, checkout the latest State Of Play dev update
As mentioned a month ago in the build, we setup the ability for players to gain access to internal builds which have been cleared for public release.
We did this so that any last minute bugs (nothing else) which are unique to it, can be addressed before it is pushed to the public update server.
This dev build runs separately from the public build.
To gain access to this build, please refer to the DSS page.
As the next major update will have aircraft, once this .05 build is out of DSS and into the public build, we will be releasing subsequent updates in the same fashion, right up to that major release.
Build Released

Full changelog (including a list of known issues)
Also, checkout the latest State Of Play dev update
State Of Play

A new State Of Play dev update is now online.