Build Live On DSS

Build is now available via the Steam BETA tab for those of you running the DEV build branch.
We still found some issues (mostly weapon systems) with the previous build smoke test. So we’ve been working through them. Not quite ready yet to release to GA (General Availability) – but almost there though.
If you are not running the DEV builds and would like instructions on how to switch from GA (General Availability) to DEV, please read the [url=]DSS[/url] page.
Check the known issues page for the list of fixes in this release. Also check the changelog for other changes.
Also US-WEST-01 cluster has been taken offline for maintenance/upgrade.
Please select the other server cluster when you login to the public game (BUILD
DSS GiT Distribution Deprecated

Due to the Steam BETA tab now working as expected, and which we hope will lead to more people trying out the interim dev builds since it’s less complex to setup than Git, we have now dropped the GiT server distribution.
Aside from making it easier for all to test both the GA and DSS versions from inside the Steam client, dropping the GiT version makes it quicker for us to do builds as well. Plus we now have one less DSS build to do.
More info the DSS page.
Build Live On DSS

Build is up on DSS as well as via the Steam BETA tab.
Check the known issues page for the list of fixes in this release. Also check the changelog for other changes.
If you have access to DSS, then you can download the build right now!
Also US-WEST-01 cluster has been taken offline for maintenance/upgrade.
Please select the other server cluster when you login to the public game (BUILD
Starter Kits Now Available

As the game is now in CBT, you can no longer purchase it on Steam until we hit our next testing phase. However, our Digital River store page still has some Starter Kit Steam keys available.