Build Released

Full changelog (including a list of known issues)
Release Update

We are going to be releasing Build later today. It is a minor incremental update, as we work toward completing the weapons, then move on full speed ahead to vehicle and aircraft unlocks.
At this point, all the scenes (space and planets), as well as the majority of the weapons and attachments have been unlocked and undergoing testing. The rocket and grenade launchers, along with the two (laser marker, target designator) weapon attachments, throwing knives, mines, and grenades, are coming in the next builds.
We’ve had some delays in implementing the Tactical Assault Bikes (TAB) dynamics (it hovers btw), which is why we haven’t unlocked it for testing yet. Hopefully they will be in next week’s build, as the first of the incoming vehicle unlocks.
Closed Beta Test Sign-Ups
The Closed Beta Test sign-up page is live once again, and will be until Tues, June 9th @ 2PM EST.
Sign-up for a chance to get a free Starter Kit which will give you immediate access to the game.
UPDATE: We ran into some problems with decals and the FX for the shot tracers. So we’ve disabled those attachments in this build.
Build Released

Full changelog (including a list of known issues)
Release Update

We’re still working on the next version which will be Build due out this Friday. This build contains new weapon locks, bug fixes, tweaks etc.
We have Build in internal testing now, but it won’t be released to the public.
Check the changelog to see what’s new.
As mentioned in the May 18th status update, we are looking to start unlocking tested vehicles, starting with the TAB personal vehicles. We hope to start rolling those out in the coming updates.
Release Update

We are hard at work on a new build which should be out later this month and will include some minor fixes, new weapon and attachment unlocks, the first vehicles (TABMX1, TABMX2) and some other goodies.
We expect to be finished with all the weapons, including the rocket launchers, Energy Lances and such, in the coming weeks. At that point we’ll start unlocking vehicles, then aircraft as we work toward the game’s final release by the end of the Summer.
In the meantime, here are new screen shots from the latest build.