Steam CBT Keys Invalidated

If you get notified on Steam that your key has been invalidated, it is due to one or more of the reasons listed below.
- CBT key was expired.
- CBT key was obtained under false pretenses. Here’s more info (1, 2, 3) on how that happens.
- CBT key was found being sold. This is a violation of the license. See point #2
- Key was invalidated due to either refund or chargeback.
- Promo period which previously gave free access to the game has expired.
Also, free CBT keys which were either never activated, or were activated and the game not played for testing (the whole point of issuing the key), can also be invalidated.
The game is still in development, and we give out CBT keys from time to time. As is standard procedure for all games which do a public alpha or beta test, such keys are invalidated at some point in time.
Anyone who had a now invalidated CBT key, and who has been active in the game and wishes to continue with the program’s testing, can send email to [email protected] requesting a new key. Be sure to include your Steam name so that we can look you up and be able to verify that you were activate in the program.
Build (GA/DSS) Released

This build is now released to both GA and DSS servers.
We’re now working toward the next item (2 of 3) of GEN7 releases (see release section of changelog). This time, the activation and tweaking of the AI planetary defense systems. These include the guns and missile systems on the fixed and mobile planetary units.
If you missed the 16-08-15 schedule bulletin, please take the time to read it.
Build (DSS) Released

Minor improvements and bug fixes ahead of the upcoming GA release.
If you missed the 16-08-15 schedule bulletin, please take the time to read it.
Build (DSS) Released

This is probably the final pass on our work on the space defense systems. Barring any additional unforeseen issues, a GA build will be released next week. Then we will working on getting the planetary defense systems out for testing.
If you missed the 16-08-15 schedule bulletin, please take the time to read it.
Build (DSS) Released

Mostly bug fixes and tweak.
We’re wrapping up the space defense system task now and expect to complete it in next week’s build. That build will have further fixes, tweaks, as well as visual effects improvements to the station and carrier shields, in-flight missiles etc.
If you missed the 16-08-15 schedule bulletin, please take the time to read it.