Dev Status Update

Read all about it in the latest blog post.
Dev Status Update

As work continues on the massive engine port, the game’s system requirements have been updated accordingly.
Those with CBT access to the DSS build will stop receiving updates as those have now been disabled for the legacy (Havok engine based) build which was branched off several months ago.
Further, in order to test the on-going implementation of updated game assets (world scenery, levels, models etc), there will be a DSS update which can be run on a private local or remote server. This will allow the ability to navigate the game’s 13 scenes (planetary, space, station) scenes unhindered by interrupted game play from other clients.
More news coming soon!
Dev Status Update

A new dev blog is live!
Dev Status Update

I know this is a bit impromptu, but here we are.
Some of you have been messaging and texting me about updates, future planning etc. As you all know, I tend not to announce anything unless it is meaningful and/or exciting. So please excuse the silence these past few months. A LOT of things are going on behind the scenes; and all will be revealed soon. It’s all good. I promise. 🙂
Anyway, the changelog and known issues pages have been updated today.
Part of what I have been doing these past months is running through all the 14 scenes (4 space, 4 planet, 4 station, 1 carrier) and all the game assets, and flagging those which still require quality (complete revision, new textures etc) passes, performance improvements etc. Those of you who own the game, know that it has a LOT of assets. So this has been painstaking to say the least.
Anyway today, I am running through the Gulge starbase, and so I decided to stream it live. So I will be on my Twitch channel today @ 5PM ET. It will be recorded, so if you missed it, you can grab the video when I upload it to YouTube during the week.
UPDATE: The stream was 3.5 hrs long and is now up on our YouTube channel. I also ended up covering all 4 bases (Gulge, Nightbridge, Frostbite, Heatwave) instead of just Gulge.
Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone!
Nothing new to report on the development side. We are still working through various issues and events for the port to a different engine. Also, as we did with LOD Tactics, there is another spin-off game that we will be officially announcing very soon.
More news coming soon!